What is an ESCO?

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ESCOs are key to energy efficiency

Energy and Sustainability in the Same Place

The Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council defines the Energy Services Company (ESCO) as:

A natural or legal person that provides energy services or energy efficiency improvement services at a user’s premises or facilities and bears a certain degree of economic risk in doing so. Payment for the services provided will be based (in part or in whole) on the achievement of energy efficiency improvements and compliance with other agreed performance requirements”.

Which is it’s final goal?

Saving energy, resulting in both economic and CO2 emissions savings. Their activity focuses on the design and implementation of projects that guarantee efficient energy management, and they are financially committed to the results.

What is an ESCO specialized in?

Monitoring, measuring and controlling energy expenditure and verifying the level of savings generated after the implementation of each project.

Advantages of being an ESCO

Sustainable energy

  • The ESCO manages all relations with engineering companies, suppliers, installers … simplifying the client’s procedures.
  • The project is financed with the savings achieved.
  • The savings are higher than those that would be obtained if the client implemented the solutions in isolation.
  • Reduced risk: the ESCO assumes the risk of not achieving the savings previously guaranteed.
  • Eliminates the problem of investment priority.
  • Increases the value of properties.
  • Encourages savings, energy efficiency and the modernization of facilities.

Classification of ESCOs

endorsing energy savings

This certification is aimed at those companies that work as energy service companies following the guaranteed savings model and want to prove their experience.